Sign Up

Click here for a list of Open Positions on the Sims.


NOTE: Fields marked with * are required. There's quite a few fields on this form to fill in, but please keep in mind, its just so we know you more and can help you and make your simming experience the best.

Email Address: *
Backup Email Address:
Time Zone:
Have You Simmed Before? * Yes
Which IRC Client Do
You Use Most?
Which MUSH Client Do
you use (if applicable)
Do you have ICQ?
What's your UIN #?
Sim Character's Name: *
Which Sim(s) Would
You Like To Join?
USS Reddwarf USS Starblazer
USS RoughNeck USS Eclipse
ASC Patton Temporal Investigations
Starship Troopers seaQuest
CCV Pride Babylon5 White Star Forge
USS Valiant Babylon5 The Awakening
Star Trek The Galactic War GalaxyMUSH
Which Position(s) Would
You Be Interested In?
Helm Medical Engineering
Science Command Security/Tactical
Finally, Feel Free to
write some comments,
questions, suggestions,
or anything about
yourself that you'd like
to tell us.


FSO Sign Up Form, version 4.01 © 1999, D. Snyder (Mystery6/Paris)
No Unauthorized Use of this form. If you want to use it, Email Me.
