FSO: Chain of Command v.1.15

The FSO Chain of Command (CoC) is set up to help the simmers and keep stability inside the Organization. In order for FSO to work, we need to follow this CoC as you would any CoC of your countries army or your work for that matter. Our simmers are all considered free with the same rights of a citizen of the United States of America. There are certain guidelines to follow though to retain these rights. None of these guidelines are designed to takeaway anyone’s rights, there are there for the sole protection of our other simmers and potential simmers. FSO takes pride in the uniqueness of its CoC. It equally distributes power between different departments as well as provides you someone to always turn to with problems inside the org. Below is a description of the Councils and staffs along with a tree showing ranks and their position in the org.

Level Rank(s)
Executive Command (Council) President, Vice President, JAG (Observer)
Senior Staff All Commanding Officers
Flag Staff All non-commanding officers above the rank of Lt. Commander
Junior Officers Lieutenant Commander and under.


Description of Powers

Executive Command: The Executive Command, or EC, is responsible for all major functions of the org. The members of the EC are the utmost important figures in FSO and guide her along the correct path. Decisions made by the EC are final and can only be overthrown by another EC act or by a ¾ majority complaint by the junior officers. The EC meets at least once a month and any member may call special meetings at any time. EC members are also expected to be present in the main channel whenever possible. The EC is headed up by the President himself who has "the final word" unless all EC members disagree. (If removed by the President, EC members retain an automatic rank of Admiral, to be reduced more a formal Court Martial is needed.)

President: The President is responsible for keeping FSO running, and may do whatever is in his power to keep FSO running. In order to remove a President, both the Vice President, 75% of the Senior Staff, and 2 Flag Staff members must agree. The President can overrule any decision and overrule the CoC and MRR by giving a Presidential Directive. By doing so however, the President leaves himself liable for reprimand. 3 valid reprimands on 3 different issues in 3 months will result in the President being reviewed by the Vice President and JAG and could be demoted to Fleet Admiral for a period of 1 month. After that month, it would be decided whether or not he goes down to Admiral or returns to President.

Vice President: The Vice President is responsible for keeping things in order in the President's absense, and also acts as the President's assistant. The P and VP have to work quite well together as a TEAM. The President can change the Vice President through a Presidential Directive, but may not change Vice Presidents if he has a reprimand against him within the last month.

Senior Staff: The Senior Staff compromises of every Commanding Officer. This level is higher than the levels of some higher ranked officers, because it is the President's belief that it is the CO's who need a voice more than the Admirals who do not serve as a CO. It is the duty of the Flag Staff to take up any concerns from the members of the org and discuss them with the President. They have a DIRECT line to the President in the Chain of Command. They write up and suggest changes to the MR&R or CoC and help fill spots on the Committees. The Senior Staff serves as "The peoples representatives". Meaning that other than their own feelings they should fight for and represent the simmers at ALL costs. The simmers above themselves. The Flag Staff is also the largest staff in FSO and may be considered the "House of Reps." (besides the fact they aren’t elected, but are kept in the staff by the simmers willing to sim on their sims, for if their sim gets decommissioned they are removed).The Flag Staff should meet at least twice a month to keep up to date with the information in the org and evaluate things.

Flag Staff: The Flag Staff compromises of every non-CO that has achieved a rank higher than Lieutenant Commander. They have the same responsibilities as the Senior Staff, however can not directly act as a Senior Staff member.

This concludes the current Chain of Command for the Federation Sim Organization. This document is subject to change or alteration at anytime by the Executive Command through a formal or informal amendment. Changes to the CoC will be made periodically to keep FSO up to date. Please check back with us. The CoC of the org is a system of command that also provides for more RP, yet is a serious matter in the organization. Please note no one will force anyone to do anything that is against moral standards nor if they go against religious beliefs or anything else in any members lives. This document is the property of FSO and Duncan Broom Copyright 1999, modified from the original CoC by Donald Polansky (we miss ya, bud!). Use of this document for any reason without specific permission from the listed owners is illegal and will be prosecuted. For more information please see laws on Copyright Infringement.