FSO IRC Channel Rules

The following rules are rules for all IRC Division channels, and may/may not be enforced by the Senior Channel op (the one with highest Serv access). Once a ban longer than 5 minutes is placed, an email must (MUST) be sent to banned@fsosim.net with a log (or cut and paste) of the incident, and say when you want the ban lifted.

ONLY EXECUTIVE COUNCIL MEMBERS (plus the IRC Division Sub Head) MAY REMOVE BANS. Channel Ops may ban for up to 30 MINUTES *as long as* they remove the ban within 30 minutes, and report it if its longer than 5 minutes. All bans over 30 minutes are to be placed in Chewtoy.

These rules were inspired by the FSO MR&R, Mission, and CoC.

1. Please keep swearing to an absolute non-existance.

2. Please refrain from insulting others, disrespecting others, or saying things which insults one person's self esteem, offends ones religion and/or way of life, or their other activities.

3. Please refrain from flooding or spamming (more than 10 lines of text in a minute)

4. Please keep all argruments in private msg, or another channel (as long as the ops of the other channel don't mind :))

5. #startrek is the meeting channel and may be booked for meetings. (You will be temporarily added at level 400).

6. Bans may not be unbanned except by an EC. All bans unbanned MUST be emailed to banned@fsosim.net for review.

7. Please remember #fso and all sim channels including #startrek are rated PG. NO SEX, NO PORN, NO 18+ STUFF.