Sim Guide
Here you can find information about simming, but the best way to learn is to watch one in progress.
NOTE: Some commands, such as /action, /nick, /msg, etc. are commands for mIRC Clients. If you don't have mIRC, we suggest you download it. But if you have another client and don't know how to use it, just ask for help.

What Is IRC Simming?
Simming, also known as RPGing is when a group of people get together and act out a story. In IRC Simming, that group of people join a channel and sim there.
How To Control Your Character
To say something, just type it in and hit the RETURN key.
<LtJacobs> Aye aye, Captain.
For actions, just put double colons around the action.
<LtJacobs> ::sits down at helm::
or you can type: /action sits down at helm it will appear like this:
* LtJacobs sits down at helm
Thoughts & Telepathy
This is a new thing in IRC Simming, not all people may be aware of it.
<LtJacobs> {{ Geez, this ship is tough }}
Person to Person Communication (on board the same vessel or planet)
To use your communicator to talk to another person who isn't in the same room as you, put a +taps+ before your message.
<LtJacobs>+taps+ Jacobs to Engineering, I need those engines back online!
Ship to Ship Communication
To communicate with someone on another ship, use +com+ before your message
<LtJacobs>+com+ Jacobs to USS Defiant, I am ready to beam aboard your ship.
Out of Character (OOC)
Out Of Character talk is used when you have to say something that is not part of the sim, this is to be used at A MINIMUM.
Just put << OOC talk here >>
<LtJacobs><< am I supposed to answer that? >>
If you need to use this often, talk to the person in another channel or type:
/msg NICK message, so if I wanted to talk OOCly to Joe, I'd type: /msg Joe heya!
Your Nickname
How To Change Your Nickname
To change your nickname, type:
Your Nickname During The Sim
Your nickname during the sim, should have your Rank in it unless the Sim Leader tells you otherwise.
- Captains usually put Capt or Cpt before their nickname.
CaptPicard CptJabobs CaptParis
- Commanders usually put Cmdr or Cdr before their nickname.
CmdrRiker CdrJabobs
- Lieutenant Commanders usually put LtCmdr or LtCdr before their nickname.
LtCmdrParis LtCdrJabobs
- Lieutenants put Lt before their nickname.
LtPicard LtParis
- Lieutenant Juniors put LtJg before their nickname.
LtJgJacobs LtJgWorf
- Ensigns put Ens before their nickname.
EnsJacobs EnsCrusher
- People who are just watching or Observing the sim put a Obs before their nickname.
ObsJacobs ObsParis
- Commanding Officer (CO)
This is the person who runs the sim. They are usually Captains or Admirals. They will sometimes tell you to do things, but most of the time, you can just do what you want as long as its not outrageous. The CO usually writes a Sim Plot up and then gives a small briefing.
- Executive Officer (XO)
XO's are usually Commmanders or Lieutenant Commanders, they help the captain recruit people for the sim and help the crew.
- Second Officer (SO)
The Second Officer serves as a backup for the XO in such instances where the XO is unable to attend the sim or if the CO can't come, then the XO becomes Acting Captain and the Second Officer becomes Acting-XO. This person always has another position.
- Chief Engineer (CEO or ENG)
This person runs the ship's engines and usually is responsible for repairing the ship and its engines.
- Chief Tactical Officer (TAC)
The Tactical Officer is in charge of the Starship's weapons as well as some security.
- Chief Of Security (SEC)
The Security Chief is responsible for defending the ship against intruders, or crazed people.
- Chief Medical Officer (CMO)
The CMO is responsible for the Physical Health of the crew. They usually spend their time in sickbay or healing people.
- Counselor (COUN)
The Counselor is responsible for the Mental Health of the crew. They make sure the crew is happy and able to concentrate on their duties.
- Chief Science Officer (SCI)
This person is responsible for all scans, reports, and other types of pertinent data on all types of encountered phenomenon.
- Mission Intelligence Officer (INTEL)
This is the person who gathers Intelligence Data, he/she plays a "spy" and is to get information that could help the ship and crew.
- Chief Of Operations(OPS)
The Chief of Operations handles all communications, the view screen, transporters and coordinates away team missions.
- Helm Officer(HELM)
The Helm Officer pilots the ship, and informs the CO of the ship's location, speed, or whatever the CO asks for.
- Star Trek
- TR = Transporter Room
- TL = Turbolift
- demat (dt) = Dematerialize (Beam Up)
- remat (rt) = Rematerialize (Beam Down)
- AT = Away Team
- Star Wars
- ISD = Imperial Star Destroyer
- VSD = Victory Star Destroyer
- HTL = Heavy Turbolaser
- TL = TurboLaser
- IC = Ion Cannon
- HIC = Heavy Ion Cannon
- DTL = Double Turbolaser
- L = Lift
- CCV = Corellian Corvette
- VSD = Victory Star Destroyer
- EC = Escort Carrier
- INT = Interdiction Frigate
- Misc.
- SST = Starship Troopers
- SS = Starship
- attn = Attention
The Sim
When the CO is ready to Sim, he gives the word, and the crew changes their nicks for the sim. (Example: I use "Mystery8" when I'm chatting, but when I sim, I change my nick to "LtParis")
Then He or She calls for ATTENTION. This is to make sure everyone is present and ready. If you are Observing, DO NOT RESPOND.
All active simmers, reply: ::attn:: or @@.
After every active simmer responds, they give you a Sim Briefing in which they inform you of the mission.
After the Sim Briefing, you'll see the words "SIM START". When this happens, that means the sim is in progress.
Most sims last an hour, then you'll see "SIM END" and the CO will call for your attention.
Sometimes, they give you a little Conclusion or Epilogue to the sim.
Promotions are usually given after the conclusion, and then the CO dismisses you and you can return to your normal nickname.
FSO Sim Guide, version 2.33 © 1999, D. Snyder (Mystery8/Paris)
No Unauthorized Use of this guide. If you want to use it, Email Me.