Starbase Chapman


Starbase Chapman serves as a command post for Temporal Investigations.

Base Name: Starbase Chapman
Base Type: Defender Class
Built: Stardate 9612.02
Motto: "Friends are Friends Forever."
Size: Length: 524 meters
Width: 400 meters
Height: 210 meters
Decks: 40
Crew Compliment: 1500
Weapons: Phasers: 3 Type XI Arrays & 8 Cannons
Photons: 600 Torps, 5 Launchers
Quantum: 100 Torps, 3 Launchers
ElectroMagnetic Pulse Cannons: 4
Tri-cobalt: 50 Devices, 2 Launchers
Shielding: Type X Rotating Modulation Shields
Shuttlecraft: Pods: 40 Type III
Personal: 40 Type VII Personal Shuttles
Warp: 30 Type IX Warp Shuttles
Runabouts: 10 Yellowstone Class
Computer Systems: Isolinear/Bioneural Circuitry
Medical: Emergency Medical Hologram Mark I
Holodecks: 5


Starbase Chapman

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