Temporal Investigations HQ


Last Updated: March 7, 1999

You have entered the Archival Database of Starfleet's Temporal Investigations division. You have been granted Level 3 Access during your stay. Please use it wisely, as our Guards will be watching you......


Temporal Investigations:
Temporal Investigations, also refered to as "TI" is a Live IRC Simulation that was started over a year ago. It is hosted by the Federation Sim Organization. Every Friday Night at 10:00pm EST, in channel #TI, the sim takes place. For more information, email us, or connect to an IRC.SUPERCHAT.ORG server and Join channel #FSO.


Temporal Investigations is hosted and sponsored by:
Federation Sim Organization


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Fleet Captain Crystal Mathews: Defiant48@hotmail.com
The Webmaster: mystery8@startrekmail.com


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