FSO Archive

Last Updated: September 21, 2019


Team: 'Blackout Squadron'.

Join us and chat on Discord to be involved with the re-birth of FSO in an entirely new vision. While still honoring our Trek heritage in some symbolism we will focus more now on cooperative VR gaming, tournaments, leagues & developing some of our old texted based sims into VR experiences. Currently the FSO server is home to meet and match games in Echo Combat, RecRoom Paintball/Laser Tag/RecRoyale & host to the RecRoom Laser Tag League Season 1


Name Original Site Local Mirror
USS Amiga No Longer Available amiga/index.html
USS Confucious http://members.tripod.com/~CaptWorf/ confucious/index.html
Trekwars Delta No Longer Available delta/index.htm
Deep Space 14 No Longer Available ds14/ds14.html
USS Fidelis No Longer Available fidelis/index.htm
FSO (1997) No Longer Available fso97/index.html
FSO (1998) No Longer Available fso98/index.htm
FSO (1999) No Longer Available fso99/index.html
FSO (1999 B) No Longer Available fso99b/index.html
USS Neptune http://members.tripod.com/~Neptune_Sim/ neptune/index.html
Starship Troopers No Longer Available sst/index.html
The Galactic War No Longer Available tgw/index.html
The Galactic War (Old Site) No Longer Available oldtgw/index.html
Temporal Investigations No Longer Available ti/index.html
USS Eclipse No Longer Available uss_eclipse/index.html
USS Orion No Longer Available uss_orion/index.html
USS Yorktown No Longer Available yorktown/index.html

Currently Maintained by Zizuar (Formerly known as Mike Blondel & Felton in FSO)
Look for the new FSO site and the re-envisioned incarnation (mainly meeting up in VR) coming soon.

Archive Compiled & Created by Mystery8
Special thanks to Jaltok for providing the backups of USS Amiga, Trekwars Delta, USS Fidelis, and FSO 99 B.

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